Hire Right First Time - TARS Component 3

This month we are emphasising the importance of Hiring Right the First Time as a crucial component of any successful business’s Talent Acquisition and Retention Strategy.

Have you ever experienced the dread that washes over you when you realise your working days are going to be negatively impacted by the actions of a bad new hire?

Many employers and employees have experienced the challenges arising from hiring either due to an employee leaving or the business expanding and too many have first-hand experience of the process quickly going sour  when it is discovered the new hire doesn’t have the skills and experience expected, has a negative attitude towards the job, starts complaining about or speaking unkindly of colleagues, or starts showing up late and perhaps not showing up at all especially on a Monday.

These issues not only frustrate co-workers but may also lead to an increase in customer complaints, reduced productivity and revenue losses demanding that the hiring manager review their hiring decision and perhaps even start the entire process again. 

This is not a positive experience for anyone, in fact it can be downright painful for all stakeholders.   


It’s important to note that 81% of new hires fail making this story all too familiar for many. 

So how can you be sure to get your hiring right first time?  The good news is that there really are only 5 key check points to making great hiring decisions.

1) Planning - know who you are looking for, where you will find them, how you will reach them, and what you have to offer them.

2) Advertising - get the word out that you are hiring every way you can. It’s important to note that generally, the talent market reach of paid advertising peaks in the first 2 weeks before quickly plummeting to a very low yield so it is critical to get your marketing strategy right first time as well.

3) Screening - screen with careful consideration noting potential capabilities and learning intelligence as well as skills and personal fit.

4) Interviewing - must be structured and uniform but relaxed to promote comfortable and open, honest communication.

5) Hiring - ensure all documents, processes, and people are ready for a new hire and that the onboarding process is clearly mapped out for everyone.


Business leaders often have a strong dislike or even disdain for the hiring process and as a result, corners may be cut, panic decisions made, and valuable opportunities missed, resulting in detrimental outcomes such as longer recruitment processes, increased hiring costs, and even the loss of existing valuable talent, all of which are particularly painful in this competitive job market.


If your business does not have a hiring expert on the team it may be time to engage professionals like us.  We can provide you with wither comprehensive support or a full hiring service that will minimise the risk of making a bad hiring decision and will bolster your business resilience with the backing of a reinforced team, and increase your business’s productivity, profitability, and perhaps even your market share.

Reach out to us today at 027 647 5000 or kayleen@ripple.net.nz. 

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