VLOG - Employer Brand (EB) & Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Your Employer Brand, and Employer Value Proposition or EB and EVP are essential components of a well-designed and robust Talent Acquisition and Retention Strategy (TARS).

The purpose of your TARS is to deliver the outcomes detailed in your business plan and to promote a sustainable, thriving business.


Your EB and EVP shape both employee perceptions and external market impressions of your business. So, what are they exactly?

Your EB encapsulates your reputation as an employer, showcasing the employee experience and retention values inherent within your organisation. If your EB is great it will serve as a marketing tool, presenting your business as an appealing prospect for potential talent.

Complementing your EB is your EVP which outlines the unique benefits and rewards new hires can expect when they join you.

Combined they can elevate your business's ability to attract high-calibre talent and foster employee engagement and retention. It is worth noting that your business has an Employer Brand, regardless of whether you consciously crafted it or it has evolved organically through market impressions and interpretations.


To develop a great EB and EVP, consider the following nine steps:

1.      Engage Expert Guidance to navigate the process impartially and analytically.

2.      Survey Stakeholders, employees, suppliers, and customers to gather insights into your current EB and EVP.

3.      Form A Strategy Team of your managers, leaders, and marketing members who will be led by your subject expert.

4.      Review Company Values and Vision to ensure they align and resonate with your employees.

5.      Assess Your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies and practices to evaluate your market positioning.

6.      Craft a Compelling Narrative to define the story you want your employees and customers to associate with your business.

7.      Identify Competitive Distinctions that set your business apart from others in the marketplace.

8.      Document Your EB and EVP to formalise your strategies.

9.      Share Your EB and EVP with your employees, communicating it transparently,  inviting their feedback and encouraging their engagement and brand advocacy.


If you haven’t already intentionally designed your EB or have a robust and well-designed Talent Acquisition and Retention Strategy, I recommend you start creating them.

If you need help and want to expedite implementation you can find me at kayleen@ripple.net.nz or on 027 647 5000.

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